Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bring on the Wild Things

October 16 is double circled on my calendar. Yeah yeah yeah, it’s the first night of the American League Championship series, and if everything goes as scheduled over the next two weeks, that should be the opening salvo in the third Boston/New York world war of this decade. Anybody who knows me understands that is huge, but I would like to point out another event that will have my undivided attention earlier in the day. Of course, I am talking about the opening of Spike Jonze’ latest: Where the Wild Things Are. I will begin by laying all my cards out on the table: This was my favorite book as a child and it wasn’t even close. No bear books. No “Good Night Moon.” Nope. For me, it was Where the Fucking Wild Things Are. And just to ensure that my memory wasn’t failing me, I asked my mom this morning whether she could confirm my WTWTA devotion, and she claimed that she never bought it for me because I simply checked it out of the library every time we stopped at Brentwood Public.

So I was clearly jacked when I was told that Spike Jonze had been tasked with turning this childhood favorite into a film. Soon after, I checked out the trailer and was blown away. Quite simply, it looks like Jonez has crushed it. But should that come as any surprise? I can’t claim to know much about Jonze as a person, but I have loved two of his movies, and if someone had asked me who I thought would be a good custodian of WTWTA, I would have suggested Jonze. He just seems like a guy who would “get it” and could translate it without dumbing it down, or glitzing it up, or twisting it sideways, or darkening into some sick bullshit, as Tim Burton would have surely done. So first off, I would say that the film looks like a terrific translation. Molly, what are your expectations for the film and what do you think about Jonze ……..

Molly:  First, let's just stipulate that I loved the book as well and that Maurice Sendak played a big role in my brothers' and my worlds of books and make-believe. I'm ridiculously attached to the books I read as a kid and the birth of my new baby nephew has stirred the collective memory of my entire family; we spent last Friday night throwing out old titles and taking turns exclaiming, OH I LOVED THAT ONE!

As for this incarnation of Where The Wild Things Are...I'm almost giddy with anticipation. I realize that it's possible for the movie to end up sucking itself into an indie-hipster vortex of nostalgia and window-dressing, but I have faith. I'm not a huge Dave Eggars fan but I can't deny that he is able to spin a yarn (although I passed on seeing Away We Go, so I have no frame of reference for his ability as a screenwriter). I am, however, a big Spike Jonze fan, and I think he has the quirky aesthetic and light touch that are gonna make this thing work big time (pleaseletitbegood).

I think Spike Jonze is an artist, and I hope he has made the movie as an artist. The trailer gives me great hope (Catherine Keener! Arcade Fire! The scrawly printing! I MEAN COME ON!) and while I've never lined up for any of the Harry Potter movies, this is what I think of when I imagine a movie with true age group crossover appeal. It hits me in my sweet spot (where nostalgia, books, and Catherine Keener overlap) and it makes me wish for a 10 year old kid to take with me when I see it. (Alone, apparently, since Don will have already seen it - maybe twice! - before I get home on October 16.)

And while this is neither here nor there with regards to the movie, I have to admit that I was bummed when Spike Jonze and Sofia Coppola broke up. I love her. I love him. But! He and Michelle Williams have been together for a while now, and there are not many actresses I love more that Michelle Williams, and Matilda Ledger is my all time favorite celebrity kid (sorry Violet Affleck). So in conclusion, if he can pull off a move like that in his personal life, in which everybody (well, from where I sit, with Us Weekly) wins, IMAGINE WHAT HE WILL DO WITH THIS MOVIE.

Don:  Just a few more thoughts on WTWTA ….

First off, I got the movie mentioned today in a ESPN chat with ESPN baseball writer Rob Neyer …..it was a little off subject but Rob obviously thought it was ripe for discussion .......

Bruinsinruins (NYC):  Rob ... You pumped to see "Where the Wild Things Are"?

Rob Neyer:  It's a difficult thing for me to explain, but I've not been as excited about a new movie since ... Well, I can't remember what. I get excited about every new Pixar movie, but this one feels different. Bigger, somehow.

Two, Spike Jonze has collaborated with Charlie Kaufman on two of my favorite movies but I am glad Kaufman is not a part of this project. We’ll see how the screenplay plays out, but I think Kaufman would have been a bit too “heavy” for this film. After all, we don’t need to see Max have his memory erased or watch him travel through the head of John Lithgow to get to the land of wild things.

Molly:  Don has a hard time talking about movies without mentioning Charlie Kaufman.  We'll report back in a few weeks once we've had a chance to see the movie, but for now I'm going to nag my parents to send me a copy of the book (if they can find our old one) and go see the Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Animazing Gallery.

UPDATE: Apparently Michelle Williams and Spike Jonze recently broke up.  THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.  -- Molly

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